Thursday, November 1, 2007

Hay Bales

"Back in the day"..when I was little girl and lived on a farm..our hay wasn't baled like this...our required the use of hay rakes, pitchforks..wagons and hay barns.
I have many memories of the smell of hay, how itchy it was...of long cloth covered tables weighed down with food at dinnertime , with mama and the other ladies hurrying about to serve the food... as soon as dinner was over, back to the hay fields the men went..and the ladies began to cook again..this time it was supper. How the ladies did all that..and still had time to laugh and talk...and to watch over a bunch of laughing children is beyond me... the memories are wonderful...

aIm just beginning to get to know my new camera...and have found a hobby that could, if I let it..take me over. I absolutely love searching things become my latest photo "victim"... These hay bales were spotted alongside the roadway...I screeched to halt..jumped out to take photos...and was almost run down by speeding truck. (I learned my lesson)

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