Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Where's the Bee ??????

I was busily trying to sit and take pictures and adjust camera...and along came this little friend. I sat quietly as he tried to select a flower to sit on....

Little bee about his business...I was making wild attempts to get a photo. I think he may have been laughing at me...and wondering...will the dim woman ever get camera focused ??????

Forgive blurry photos please....bee was co-operating.... myself and camera was having issues

Isn't he just too cute ??????

Little bee posing

He had enough and selected more flowers...As I was trying to get to my feet to follow him...I realized I had sat crosslegged too long..and my legs was "asleep".....In my haste to get up, I almost did a swan dive into the grass....Somewhere...back in the hive..there is a bee, telling the story about the woman and the camera...,I just know they're having a good laugh.......

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