Friday, November 2, 2007

Frontier Houses and Buildings

These buildings are all part of a wonderful ongoing building restoration project. They were taken at the Frontier Village...some of the pics were taken thru the fence...and a couple I held camera over had closed for the day....
Maybe I am just a romantic....but having worked on my genealogy for the last seven or eight years....somehow these building mean a lot. A lot of ancestors were from this ..and the surrounding areas......I know they lived in houses like these..maybe thats why I love the old buildings so much...

Note the wagon wheel to the right......

This is one of the first dwellings in the county....look close and imagine living here...maybe I would have flowers around the front door, vegetable garden just to the right...the washpots would have been hung on the side of the house..and the big black kettle for building the fire and heating the water..that too would have been in my yard...............just imagine

I love this little church set back in the trees. Most times "back in the day" the schoolhouse and church shared the building... normally when a town was started, the first building put up after the dwellings, would have been the the church.. Can't you hear the old spirituals that would have come from this building?? Or the little ones being called by a hurry along and quit lagging???

I would have loved to live here...just imagine the wonderful dresses and the parties...
I've had many picnics at these stone tables when I lived in the area
Old stone water tower

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