Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site

Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site

Vintage phone in the Visitors Center. There is in this building lots and lots of materials, mementos, photographs of his early life, the war years and that of the Presidency. There was just too much to look at and the tour was starting soon the guide said... so away we went...

I love this was done by Robert Dean Jr.
Mr. Dean has completed three statues of Dwight D. Eisenhower...
The one in Denison,Texas... his birthplace
the second on the grounds of the U.S.Military Academy
the third on the grounds of the U.S. Embassy in London
His other major works include two statues of General Douglas McArthur
and one of George S.Patton
Now I ask you..isn't the sky just too blue in Texas

This is a beautiful little house.."back in the day" this would truly have been a fine wonderful home
As the guide let us in the front door, and then turned to lock it behind us..(we would be exiting at the back of the house), she was having trouble getting the key to come back out..I looked down and was amazed at the workmanship of the "lockplate?". It was a taller one..more tall than wide and there was a raised embossed heart there, surrounding where the key had finally been removed.
This is just to the left of the long hallway and was the family sitting room. I especially loved the little chair and the toys...but then I looked at what the table held...

Our guide, (a wonderful lady and thankfully, a really cool one) seemed kinda amused by my little outburst. Upon seeing what was on the table, I believe I blurted out something like{ ..ummmmm holy hells bells..something kinda like that..:)... } You hafta understand, I truly love vintage sewing supplies..and here was a tablefull. There was everything from several pincushions, a sewing case, a needlecase..and a tiny box holding scissors and other supplies..and a very, very old, well used darning egg.
And then...there on the chair, (just behind the guide)...was a white pillow cushion with pins and spindle bobbins and she must have imagined I would faint..cause she quickly asked me a question. She you know what that is?? And being a good Texan, I said well of course. My granny had those and she let me help her sometime. The lady next to me froze me with a look...but not for long...the guide actually let me hold that beautiful cushion and look at the pins, the thread, the spindle bobbins and how they were wound...and the lace that was being made.... It was wonderful...
I don't think the lady that gave me the look forgave me..

I loved this beautiful old Log Cabin quilt...and the old chair and cradle. Note that cute little white nessesity at the foot of the bed. "Back in the day" these were called everything from chamber well..... This one has a crocheted cover for the lid...

This little highchair had many came apart in ways so as to highchair, walker, and a stroller...

Another of my weaknesses...and yes, I have many....happens to be stoves from the bygone days. But I tell you, if you've never had red beans, ham and either cornbread or biscuits cooked on a wood stove...well, you just haven't had your fair share of good food.

This little area and the other flower areas...are all butterfly gardens. The little house on the a butterfly home...

Another little house on the property

Another of the buildings on the property
The Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site is located at:
609 South Lamar Avenue
Denison, Grayson County, Texas..
The house, office and visitor center are only closed on Mondays and are open year round, with the exception of Christmas Day and New Years Day..

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